The offers SDKs in Go and TypeScript/JavaScript to facilitate seamless integration with its decentralized platform for economic data streams.

What is a streamID?

A streamID is an identifier used in the (TN) to identify the deployed contract. It is a unique string generated from a descriptive name, such as an English name, to ensure easy reference and management of data streams.


The Go SDK provides tools to publish, compose, and consume economic data streams within the It supports operations on primitive streams and composed streams.


Ensure you have Go 1.20 or later installed. To install the SDK, run:

go get

Example Usage:

package main

import (










func main() {

    ctx := context.Background()

    // Create TSN client

    pk, _ := crypto.Secp256k1PrivateKeyFromHex("<your-private-key-hex>")

    signer := &auth.EthPersonalSigner{Key: *pk}

    tsnClient, err := tsnclient.NewClient(ctx, "", tsnclient.WithSigner(signer))

    if err != nil {



    // Load an existing stream

    streamId := util.GenerateStreamId("your-stream-name")

    streamLocator := tsnClient.OwnStreamLocator(streamId)

    stream, err := tsnClient.LoadPrimitiveStream(streamLocator)

    if err != nil {



    // Read data from the stream

    dateFrom, _ := civil.ParseDate("2023-01-01")

    dateTo, _ := civil.ParseDate("2023-01-31")

    records, err := stream.GetRecord(ctx, types.GetRecordInput{

        DateFrom: &dateFrom,

        DateTo:   &dateTo,


    if err != nil {



    for _, record := range records {

        fmt.Println(record.DateValue, record.Value.String())



For comprehensive examples and usage patterns, refer to the test files in the SDK repository.

TypeScript/JavaScript SDK

The TypeScript/JavaScript SDK offers similar capabilities as the Go SDK, with implementations tailored for both Node.js and browser environments.


Ensure you have Node.js 18 or later installed. To install the SDK, run:

npm install @trufnetwork/truf-node-sdk-js

Example Usage:

import { NodeTSNClient, StreamId } from "@trufnetwork/truf-node-sdk-js";

// Initialize client

const client = new NodeTSNClient({

	privateKey: "<your-private-key-hex>",

	providerUrl: "",


// Load an existing stream

const streamId = StreamId.fromName("your-stream-name");

const stream = await client.loadPrimitiveStream(streamId);

// Read data from the stream

const records = await stream.getRecord({

	dateFrom: "2023-01-01",

	dateTo: "2023-01-31",


records.forEach((record) => {

	console.log(record.dateValue, record.value.toString());


For detailed examples and usage patterns, refer to the test files in the SDK repository.

Additional Resources

For support or questions, please open an issue in the respective SDK repository or contact our support team.